Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership

Building Communities of Learners and Leaders in Mathematics


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Professional Papers and Presentations


Bond, W. Success Rates in Calculus I (MA 125) ,  Technical Report, Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, 2012

Argo, J. and Mayer, J. (presenters), Incorporating Inquiry-Based Class Sessions with Computer Assisted Instruction,  Presentation to TEAM Math Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL., Sept. 2009.

Bond, W. (presenter), Can Inquiry-Based Learning Augment Computer-Assisted Instruction in Developmental Algebra?, Presentation to the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, New Orleans LA, January 6, 2011.

Bond, W. (presenter) and Mayer, J., Comparison of Inquiry-Based Class Sessions and Lectures in the Context of Computer-Assisted Instruction, Presentation to Kennesaw Mountain Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Inquiry-Based Learning Sessions for Faculty, Kennesaw, GA, Nov. 11-12, 2011.


Bond, W. (presenter) and Mayer, J., Improving Student Success in Developmental Algebra and Its Impact on Subsequent Mathematics Courses, Presentation to MAA General Contributed Paper Session: Teaching Introductory Mathematics, AMSMAA Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston, MA, January 4-8, 2012.

Bond, W., Dominick, A., Mayer, J., Mullins, B. and Parrish, S.,  Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership: Phase I and Phase II Research, Poster presentation at NSF MSP Learning Network Conference, Washington D.C., Jan. 22-24, 2012.

Clark, F., Cochran, R., Dominick, A., Fulmore, J., Lofgren, P.,  Mayer, J., Mullins, B., Parker, R., Parrish, S., Spieler, B.,  Challenging Courses and Curricula:  A Model for All Students, Journal of Mathematics Education Leadership (submitted for publication January 2012).

Cochran, R., Mayer, J., Mullins, B. (2007). The Impact of Inquiry-Based Mathematics Courses on Content Knowledge and Classroom PracticeElectronic proceedings of the 2007 SIGMAA conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

Cochran, R., Mullins, B., Mayer, J., Smith T., Deepening Mathematics Understanding of Middle School Teachers, Poster presentation at MSP Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, Jan. 2008.

Cochran, R., Mullins, B., Mayer, J., Smith T., Inquiry-Based Mathematics Instruction at the University Level, Poster presentation at MSP Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, Jan. 2008.

Cochran, R., Mullins, B., Fulmore, J., Mayer, J., Challenging Courses, Student Achievement, and Barriers to Implementation, Poster presentation at MSP Learning Network Conference, Washington DC, Jan. 2009.

Mayer, J. (presenter), Blending Inquiry-Based Learning and Computer Assisted Instruction in Algebra, Presentation to the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, New Orleans LA, January 6, 2011.

Mayer, J. (presenter), Can Success in Calculus 1 Be Improved?,  Presentation to Kennesaw Mountain Undergraduate Math Conference, Kennesaw Mountain, GA, October 2012.

Mayer, J., Cochran, R., Bond, W. (presenters), Incorporating Inquiry-Based Class Sessions with Computer-Assisted Instruction, Presentation to MSP Learning Network Conference, Washington DC., Feb. 2009. 

Mayer, J., Cochran, R., Mullins, B., Dominick, A., Clark, F., Fulmore, J., Parker, R., Lofgren, P. (2011) Perspectives on Deepening Teachers’ Mathematics Content Knowledge:  The Case of the Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership.  In E. M. Gordon, D. J. Heck, K. A. Malzahn, J. D. Pasley, & I. R. Weiss (Eds.), Deepening teachers’ mathematics and science content knowledge: Lessons from NSF Math and Science Partnerships

Mayer, J. and Bond, W. (presenters), Who Are We Teaching and How Do We Teach Them?, Presentation to TEAM-Math Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL., Sept. 2008.

Mayer, J. and Bond, W. (co-presenters), Inquiry-Based Group Work Improves Student Achievement in Algebra, Presentation to Legacy of R. L. Moore Conference, Austin, TX., May 2011, sponsored by Educational Advancement Foundation.

Mayer, J., Bond, W., Argo, J. (presenters), The Impact of Inquiry-Based Mathematics on Student Achievement, Presentation to TEAM Math Conference, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL., Sept. 2009.

Mayer, J., Mullins, B., Cochran, R. (presenters), Changing K-16 Classroom Practice, Presentation to Georgia PRISM Accepting the STEM Challenge Conference, Atlanta, GA., Sept. 2008.

Mayer, J., Cochran, R., Fulmore, J., Ingram, T., Stansell, L., Argo, J., and Bond, W. (2010) Blending Inquiry-Based and Computer-Assisted Instruction in a Basic Algebra Course: a Quasi-Experimental Study. Proceedings for the 13th Annual Conference on
Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education. (SIGMAA) Feb. 2010

Mayer, J., Cochran, R., Fulmore, J., Ingram, T., Stansell, L., and Bond, W. Inquiry-Based and Didactic Instruction in a Computer-Assisted Context Presented at SIGMAA 14th Annual Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education (RUME) in Portland, OR. February 24-27 2011, pending publication in the conference proceedings.

Mayer, J. (presenter), Euclidean Geometry Rediscovered, Presentation to Kennesaw Mountain Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, Inquiry-Based Learning Sessions for Faculty, Kennesaw, GA, Nov. 11-12, 2011.

Mayer, J. (presenter) and Bond, W.,  Learning Through Re-Arrangement of Patterns, Presentation to MAA Session on Touch It, Feel It, Learn It: Tactile learning Activities in the Undergraduate Mathematics, AMSMAA Joint Mathematics Meeting, Boston, MA, January 4-8, 2012.

McClain, A., Feldman, D., Meadows, L. (2007). Engineering Applications for Middle School Mathematics Education: Supporting an Inquiry-Based Classroom Environment, E Proceedings of the 2007 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition.

Mullins, B. (presenter), The Impact of Challenging Mathematics Courses on Middle School Teachers, Presentation to the Joint Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematics Association of America, Washington, D.C., Jan. 2009. 

Mullins, B. (presenter), Numerical Reasoning: An Inquiry-Based Course for K-8 Teachers, Presentation to the Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society and the Mathematical Association of America, New Orleans LA, January 6, 2011, Co-authors: John Mayer, Jason Fulmore, Rachel Cochran.

Mullins, B. and Mayer, J. (co-presenters), The Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership and Student Success, Presentation to the Alabama Association of College Teachers of Mathematics, Annual meeting, Montgomery AL, February 19, 2011, Co-authors: Rachel Cochran, Jason Fulmore.

Mullins, B. (presenter), Numerical Reasoning for Pre-service Teachers, Presentation to the Mathematical Association of America Southeastern Section Meeting, Tuscaloosa AL, April 2, 2011, Co-authors: Rachel Cochran, Jason Fulmore.

Mullins, B. and Lofgren, P. (co-presenters),  The Impact of Teacher Professional Development of Student Achievement, Presentation to the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, April 11, 2011, Co-authors: John Mayer, Jason Fulmore, Rachel Cochran.

Smith, T., Mullins, B., Cochran, R., Mayer, J., Shores, M. (2008). A Partnership to Promote Inquiry-Based Mathematics Instruction, Electronic Proceedings of the 2008 SIGMAA Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.

Smith, T., Cochran, R., Ware, D., Shores, M. (2009). Mathematical Investigations in Inquiry-Based Courses for Pre-Service Teachers, Electronic proceedings of the 2009 SIGMAA Conference on Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education.


This material is based on work supported by the National Science Foundation under Award Nos. DUE 0632522 and DUE 0928665.  Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.


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Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama at Birmingham