Four Years of Community Mathematics Nights: 53 Sessions and more that 5,800 attendees

In early February 2009, GBMP held Community Mathematics Nights (CMNs) for the public at three 3 local schools in three different area communities: Pleasant Grove Elementary (Pleasant Grove), Forest Hills Middle (Fairfield), and Bumpus Middle (Hoover).  In total, 435 people attended the 3 sessions.  The Greater Birmingham Mathematics Partnership has now presented 53 of these Community Mathematics Nights since it started offering them in January 2005.  Total attendance at our Community Mathematics Nights has now reached over 5,800. Over 1,700 parents and other attendees have been surveyed and 9 in 10 have rated the Community Mathematics Nights as either Informative or Extremely Informative.  When they were asked about the most surprising thing they learned or insight they had from the CMN, respondents from recent sessions said: